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简介1.牛津初一英语单词表 急 急 急~~~2.牛津英语7A预备教材单词表3.急需牛津英语7A的所有单元词组汇总.4.用myfriend写作文5.我的朋友英语日记1、Hello,every one! My name is xiao ming, I‘m a 15 years old boy. ?I live in the beautiful city of Rizha大家好,我叫小明,我是一个15岁的男

1.牛津初一英语单词表 急 急 急~~~






1、Hello,every one! My name is xiao ming, I'm a 15 years old boy. ?I live in the beautiful city of Rizha


2、Hi! My Chinese name is Ma Fangyu. My English name is Jane. I’m a hy girl. I live in Nanzhuang Cun. My birthday is in December. My forite colour is purple. My forite pet is a lovely dog. I he two big black eyes. I like English very much. Every day I go to school on foot. I like my school. There are 25 students in my class. I love my school. This is me.


3、Good afternoon teachers! Today I'm very hy to make a speech here.Now let me introduce myself. My name is Amy. My English name is Molly.I'm 12. | come from Class1 Grade 6 of No.2 Primary School. I'm an active girl.I like playing basketball, Because| think it's very interesting.Thank you for listening! Please remember me!


4、Good afternoon teachers! I'm very hy to introduce myself here. I'm Scott. I'm 13. I'm from Class1 Grade 6 of Primary School. | he many hobbies such as playing ping-pong playing badminton listening to music reading magazines and so on. My fourite food is chicken, It's tasty and yummy. This is me,Thank you very much!


5、Good afternoon teachers! My name is Angela, I'm 11 now. I'm from Class2 Grade 5 of No.2 Primary School. | like painting listening to music playing computer games and reading books. | often do my homework and read books on Saturdays. This is me, Please remember Angela. Thank you very much!


牛津初一英语单词表 急 急 急~~~

Unit 1

hi /haI/ int.(引人注意时的喊声,打招呼)嗨

morning /5m?:nIN/ n.早晨,早上

Good /?Ud/ morning. 早晨好。上午好。

Miss /mIs/ n.(对未婚女子的称呼)女士,**

goodbye /7?Ud5baI/ int.再见

afternoon /A:ft?5nu:n/ n.下午

Good afternoon. 下午好。

How /haU/ are you? (问候用语)你好吗?

I /aI/ pron.我

am /?m;Qm/ v.是

fine /faIn/ adj.好的;优良的

Thank you. /5TQNk ju:/ 谢谢你(们)。

are /?(r);A:(r)/ v.是

you /ju:/ pron.你;你们

today /t?5deI/ n.今天

what /w?t/ pron.什么

is /Iz/ v.是

your /j?:(r)/ pron.你的;你们的

name /neIm/ n.名字

right /raIt/ adj.正确的

yes /jes/ adv.(表示肯定)是;对

hello /h?5l?U/ int.(表示问候或唤起注意)喂

no /n?U/ adv.不;不是

Mrs /5mIsIz/ n.(对已婚妇女的称呼)夫人

Unit 2

this /DIs/ pron.& adj.这个;这

she /SI;Si:/ pron.她

my /maI/ pron.我的

sister /5sIst?(r)/ n.姐;妹

he /hI;hi:/ pron.他

twin /twIn/ n.双胞胎

brother /5br?D?(r)/ n.兄;弟

dog /d?g/ n.狗

cat /kQt/ n.猫

grandfather /5grQnfA:D?(r)/ n.(外)祖父

grandmother /5grQnm?D?(r)/ n.(外)祖母

father /5fA:D?(r)/ n.父亲

mother /5m?D?(r)/ n.母亲

it /It/ pron.它

a /eI;?/ art.一(个,件……)

photo /5f?Ut?U/ n.照片

of /?v; ?v/ prep.……的

who /hu:/ pron.谁

aunt /A:nt/ n.姑妈;伯母;舅妈;阿姨

uncle /5?Nkl/ n.叔叔;伯父;舅舅

cousin /5k?zn/ n.表兄弟;表姐妹

family /5fQm?lI/ n.家庭

doctor /5d?kt?(r)/ n.医生

teacher /5ti:tS?(r)/ n.老师

policeman /p?5li:sm?n/ n.警察

nurse /n?:s/ n.护士

job /dZ?b/ n.工作

Unit 3

we /wI;wi:/ pron.我们

classmate /5klA:smeIt/ n.同学

how old /?Ud/ 多大,几岁

twelve /twelv/ n.十二

too /tu:/ adv.也

polite /p?5laIt/ adj.有礼貌的,客气的

and /Qnd/ conj.同,和,与

helpful /5helpfl/ adj.乐于助人的

big /bIg/ adj.块头大的;大的

strong /str?N/ adj.强壮的

small /sm?:l/ adj.矮小的;小的

thin /TIn/ adj.瘦弱的

tall /t?:l/ adj.高的

slim /slIm/ adj.苗条的

short /S?:t/ adj.矮的

pretty /5prItI/ adj.漂亮的

girl /g?:l/ n.女孩

hy /5hQpI/ adj.高兴的

sad /sQd/ adj.伤心的,难过的

they /DeI/ pron.他们;她们;它们

he /h?v;hQv/ vt.有,拥有

two /tu:/ n.二

new /nju:/ adj.新的

friend /frend/ n.朋友

from /fr?m;fr?m/ prep.从;来自

English /5INglIS/ adj.英国的;英格兰人的

American /?5merIk?n/ adj.美国的;美国人的

let /let/ vt.允许,让

me /mI;mi:/ pron.我

he a look /lUk/ 看一看

good /gUd/ adj.好的

four /f?:(r)/ n.四

Unit 4

open /5?Up?n/ vt.打开

the /D?;DI;Di:/ art.(定冠词)这;这些

door /d?:/ n.门

please /pli:z/ adv.请

close /kl?Uz/ vt.关;关闭

stand up /5stQnd ?p/ 站起来;起立

sit down /5sIt daUn/ 坐下

blackboard /5blQkb?:d/ n.黑板

desk /desk/ n.书桌

window /5wInd?U/ n.窗户

bag /bQg/ n.包

book /bUk/ n.书

pencil box /5pensl b?ks/ 铅笔盒

clean /kli:n/ vt.使干净;打扫;清扫

one /w?n/ n.一

three /Tri:/ n.三

five /faIv/ n.五

pen /pen/ n.钢笔

six /sIks/ n.六

ruler /5ru:l?(r)/ n.尺子

seven /5sevn/ n.七

eight /eIt/ n.八

nine /naIn/ n.九

pencil /5pensl/ n.铅笔

ten /ten/ n.十

go /g?U/ vi.走

go to /t?/ school /sku:l/ 上学去

late /leIt/ adj.迟的

be /bI;bi:/ v.是(现在式am,are,is)

again /?5gen; ?5geIn/ adv.又,再次

there /De?(r)/ adv.(作引导词)表示“存在”

in /In/ prep.在……之内

class /klA:s/ n.班级

look /lUk/ vi.看

classroom /5klA:sru:m; 5klA:srUm/ n.教室

on /?n/ prep.在……之上

wall /w?:l/ n.墙

eleven /I5levn/ n.十一

number /5n?mb?(r)/ n.数字

four /7f?:5ti:n/ n.十四

fif /7fIf5ti:n/ n.十五

six /7sIks5ti:n/ n.十六

seven /7sevn5ti:n/ n.十七

eigh /7eI5ti:n/ n.十八

rubber /5r?b?(r)/ n.橡皮

thir /7T?:5ti:n/ n.十三

behind /bI5haInd/ prep.在……后面

chair /tSe?(r)/ n.椅子

teacher’s desk 讲台

nine /7naIn5ti:n/ n.十九

box /b?ks/ n.盒子

picture /5pIktS?(r)/ n.图画;照片

poster /5p?Ust?(r)/ n.海报,招贴画

ball /b?:l/ n.球

twenty /5twentI/ n.二十

student /5stju:dnt/ n.学生

school /sku:l/ n.学校

an /?n; Qn/ art.(元音前)一(个,件……)

art /A:t/ n.美术

room /ru:m;rUm/ n.房间

clean /kli:n/ adj.干净的

twenty-one /5twentI w?n/ n.二十一

thirty /5T?:tI/ n.三十

Unit 5

swimming pool /5swImIN pu:l/ 游泳池

football field /5fUtb?:l fi:ld/ 足球场

how many /5mQnI/ 多少

building /5bIldIN/ n.建筑物

office /5?fIs/ n.办公室

toilet /5t?Il?t/ n.洗手间

library /5laIbr?rI;5laIbrI/ n.图书馆

playground /5pleIgraUnd/ n.操场

hall /h?:l/ n.礼堂

only /5?UnlI/ adv.仅仅,只有

hundred /5h?ndr?d/ n.百

beautiful /5bju:tIfl/ adj.美丽的,漂亮的

garden /5gA:dn/ n.花园

floor /fl?:(r)/ n.地板;地面

ground floor /7graUnd 5fl?:(r)/ (英)第一层

first floor /7f?:st 5fl?:(r)/ (英)第二层

reading room /5ri:dIN rUm/ 阅览室

basketball court /5bA:skItb?:l k?:t/ 篮球场

tennis court /5tenIs k?:t/ 网球场

any /5enI/ adj.任何的,所有的

of course /?v 5k?:s/ 当然

study /5st?dI/ vi.学习

draw /dr?:/ vt.& vi.画画

Unit 6

park /pA:k/ n.公园

between /bI5twi:n/ prep.在……之间

tree /tri:/ n.树

flower /flaU?(r)/ n.花

under /5?nd?(r)/ prep.在……下面

in front /fr?nt/ of 在……前面

gate /geIt/ n.大门

bird /b?:d/ n.鸟

lake /leIk/ n.湖

climb /klaIm/ vt.爬

swim /swIm/ vi.游泳

pick /pIk/ vt.摘

feed /fi:d/ vt.喂

where /we?(r)/ adv.哪里

here /hI?(r)/ adv.这里

open /5?Up?n/ adj.开着的

left /left/ n.& adj.左面(的)

right /raIt/ n.& adj.右面(的)

cafe /5kQfeI/ n.咖啡馆;小餐厅

near /nI?(r)/ prep.近,不远

in the middle /5mIdl/ of 在……中间

house /haUs/ n.房屋;住所

boat /b?Ut/ n.船

zoo /zu:/ n.动物园

animal /5QnIml/ n.动物

shop /S?p/ n.商店

some /s?m;s?m/ adj.& pron.一些,若干

start /stA:t/ vi.& vt.开始

walk /w?:k/ vi.行走;散步

grass /grA:s/ n.草

miss /mIs/ vt.错过

turn /t?:n/ n.轮次

answer /5A:ns?(r)/ vt.& n.回答

question /5kwestS?n/ n.问题

throw /Tr?U/ vt.扔;掷

dice /daIs/ n.骰子

win /wIn/ vi.& vt.赢;胜

ice cream /7aIs 5kri:m/ n.冰淇淋

Unit 7

mum /m?m/ n.妈妈

shirt /S?:t/ n.衬衫

colour /k?l?(r)/ n.颜色

white /waIt/ n.& adj.白色(的)

coat /k?Ut/ n.外套

orange /5?rIndZ/ n.& adj.橙色(的)

these /Di:z/ pron.& adj.这些

dad /dQd/ n.爸爸

black /blQk/ n.& adj.黑色(的)

trousers /5traUz?z/ n.裤子

shoe /Su:/ n.鞋

green /gri:n/ n.& adj.绿色(的)

brown /braUn/ n.& adj.褐色(的)

cap /kQp/ n.帽子

red /red/ n.& adj.红色(的)

T-shirt /5ti:S?:t/ n.T恤衫

blue /blu:/ n.& adj.蓝色(的)

jeans /dZi:nz/ n.牛仔裤

yellow /5yel?U/ n.& adj.**(的)

blouse /blaUz/ n.女衬衫

pink /pINk/ n.& adj.粉红色(的)

sweater /5swet?(r)/ n.毛衣

grey /greI/ n.& adj.灰色(的)

skirt /sk?:t/ n.短裙

whose /hu:z/ pron.谁的

bike /baIk/ n.自行车

basketball /5bA:skItb?:l/ n.篮球

his /hIz/ pron.他的;他的(东西)

our /5aU?(r)/ pron.我们的

kite /kaIt/ n.风筝

their /De?(r)/ pron.他们的

car /kA:(r)/ n.小汽车

cold /k?Uld/ adj.冷的

thanks /TQNks/ n.(口语)谢谢

take /teIk/ vt.拿走;取,抓

racket /5rQkIt/ n.球拍

her /h?(r);h?:(r)/ pron.她的

bed /bed/ n.床

dress /dres/ n.长裙

teddy bear /5tedI be?(r)/ 玩具熊

stick /stIk/ vt.粘住

Unit 8

do /d?;dU;du:/ v.aux.(构成否定句及疑问句的助动词,无意义)

Walkman /5w?:km?n/ n.随身听

has /h?z;hQz/ vt.有(he的第三人称单数现在式)

comic /5k?mIk/ n.连环

about /?5baUt/ prep.关于

scarf /skA:f/ n.围巾

radio /5reIdI?U/ n.收音机

computer /k?m5pju:t?(r)/ n.电脑

sticker /5stIk?(r)/ n.(不干胶)贴纸

CD /7si: 5di:/ abbr.光盘(compact disc的缩写)

watch /w?tS/ n.手表

hair clip /5he?(r) klIp/ 发夹

yours /j?:z/ pron.你的(东西);你们的(东西)

mine /maIn/ pron.我们的(东西)

hers /h?:z/ pron.他们的(东西)

theirs /De?z/ pron.他们的(东西)

ours /5aU?z/ pron.我们的(东西)

locker /5l?k?(r)/ n.有锁的存物柜

le /5Qpl/ n.苹果

pear /pe?(r)/ n.梨

snack /snQk/ n.零食

a pair /pe?(r)/ of 一双,一对

sunglasses /5s?nglA:sIz/ n.太阳镜

can /kQn/ n.听,罐

Coke /k?Uk/ n.可口可乐

beside /bI5saId/ prep.在……旁边

trainer /5treIn?(r)/ n.(软底)运动鞋

pet /pet/ n.宠物

goldfish /5g?UldfIS/ n.金鱼

duck /d?k/ n.鸭子

chicken /5tSIkIn/ n.小鸡

rabbit /5rQbIt/ n.兔子

Unit 9

can /k?n;kQn/ modal v.能,可以

play /pleI/ vt.玩

football /5fUtb?:l/ n.足球

Great! /greIt/ 太好了!

us /?s; ?s/ pron.(作宾语)我们

why /waI/ adv.为什么

sign /saIn/ n.标志

bring /brIN/ vt.带来

oh /?U/ int.哦

I see /si:/. 我明白了。我知道了。

watch /w?tS/ vt.看,观看

TV /7ti: 5vi:/ abbr.电视(television的缩写)

listen /5lIsn/ vi.听;收听

music /5mju:zIk/ n.音乐

fly /flaI/ vt.使飞;放(风筝等)

ride /raId/ vt.骑,乘

smoke /sm?Uk/ vi.抽烟,吸烟

Excuse /Ik5skju:z/ me. (跟陌生人说话时)对不起。

eat /i:t/ vt.吃

homework /5h?Umw?:k/ n.家庭作业

Internet /5Int?net/ n.因特网;互联网

write /raIt/ vi.& vt.写;写字

shout /SaUt/ vi.大叫

newspaper /5nju:zpeIp?(r)/ n.报纸

light /laIt/ n.(交通)灯

cross /kr?s/ vt.穿过

must /m?st;m?st/ modal v.必须,应当

wait /weIt/ vi.等待,等候

park /pA:k/ vt.停(车)

right /raIt/ adj.恰当的;合适的

supermarket /5su:p?mA:kIt/ n.超市

into /5Int?;5IntU;5Intu:/ prep.进,入,到……里

now /naU/ adv.现在,此刻

use /ju:z/ vt.使用,利用

shopping basket /5S?pIN bA:skIt/ 购物篮

sure /SU?(r)/ adv.的确,当然

put /pUt/ vt.放,安置

over /5?Uv?(r)/ there 在那边

first /f?:st/ adv.首先,最初,第一

Unit 10

get up /get ?p/ 起床

time /taIm/ n.时间

o’clock /?5kl?k/ adv.点钟

breakfast /5brekf?st/ n.早饭,早餐

hurry /5h?rI/ up 赶快

sorry /5s?rI/ adj.抱歉的

Chinese /7tSaI5ni:z/ n.中文

lesson /5lesn/ n.(一节)课;功课

Maths /5mQTs/ n.数学

Monday /5m?ndeI;5m?ndI/ n.星期一

Tuesday /5tju:zdeI;5tju:zdI/ n.星期二

Friday /5fraIdeI;5fraIdI/ n.星期五

Thursday /5T?:zdeI;5T?:zdI/ n.星期四

chat /tSQt/ vi.聊天

each other /i:tS 5?D?(r)/ 相互

lunchtime /5l?ntStaIm/ n.午餐时间

English /5INglIS/ n.英语

timetable /5taImteIbl/ n.时间表

often /5?fn; 5?ft?n/ adv.常常,经常

then /Den/ adv.然后

he /h?v;hQv/ vt.吃;喝

usually /5ju:ZU?lI;5ju:Z?lI/ adv.通常,经常

a.m. /7eI 5em/ abbr.上午

begin /bI5gIn/ vi.开始

p.m. /7pi: 5em/ abbr.下午

other /5?D?/ adj.其它的

like /laIk/ prep.像,如同

science /5saI?ns/ n.科学

PE /7pi: 5i:/ abbr.体育(课)(Physical Education缩写)

after /5A:ft?(r)/ prep.在……之后

about /?5baUt/ adv.大约

go home /h?Um/ 回家

dinner /5dIn?(r)/ n.下餐,宴会

go to bed 上床睡觉

tell /tel/ vt.告诉

want /w?nt/ vi.想要,希望

to /t?;tU;tu:/ (动词不定式符号,无词义)

know /n?U/ vi.& vt.知道,了解

badminton /5bQdmInt?n/ n.羽毛球

glad /glQd/ adj.高兴的,开心的

hear /hI?(r)/ vi.& vt.听到,听说

activity /Qk5tIv?tI/ n.活动

read /ri:d/ vi.& vt.阅读

lunch /l?tS/ n.午饭

Unit 11

Saturday /5sQt?deI;5sQt?dI/ n.星期六

always /5?:lweIz/ adv.通常,总是,永远

supper /5s?p?(r)/ n.晚饭

help /help/ vt.帮助

with /wID/ prep.在……方面:和……一起

housework /5haUsw?:k/ n.家务

sometimes /5s?mtaImz/ adv.不时,有时

weekend /7wi:k5end/ n.周末

too much /m?tS/ 太多

e-mail /5i:meIl/ n.电子邮件

volleyball /5v?lIb?:l/ n.排球

visit /5vIzIt/ vt.参观

museum /mjU5zi:?m/ n.博物馆

go shopping /5S?pIN/ 购物,逛街

fast food /fA:st 5fUd/ 快餐

restaurant /5restr?nt/ n.餐馆

early /5?:lI/ adv.早

Sunday /5s?ndeI;5s?ndI/ n.星期天

cook /kUk/ vi.&vt.煮,烧

but /b?t;b?t/ conj.但是

wash /w?S/ vt.洗

dish /dIS/ n.盘子

go fishing /5fISIN/钓鱼

water /5w?:t?(r)/ vt.给……浇水

like /laIk/ vi.&vt.喜欢

exercise /5eks?saIz/ vi.锻炼

for /f?(r);f?:(r)/ prep.(表示时间、距离)达;计;为

half /hA:f/ adj.半,一半

hour /5aU?(r)/ n.小时

run /r?n/ vi.跑

bark /bA:k/ vi.吠

jump /dZ?mp/ vi.跳

hily /5hQpIlI/ adv.高兴地

take /teIk/ vt.乘坐

bus /b?s/ n.公共汽车

enjoy /In5dZ?I/ vt.享受

down /daUn/ prep.向下

street /stri:t/ n.街道

say /seI/ vt.说

neighbour /5neIb?(r)/ n.邻居

herself /h?:5self;h?5self/ pron.她自己

very much /5verI m?tS/ 十分;非常

nice /naIs/ adj.好的

meet /mi:t/ vt.遇见

together /t?5geD?(r)/ adv.和……一起

lots /l?ts/ of 许多

see /si:/ vt.看

film /fIlm/ n.**

parent /5pe?r?nt/ n.父亲或母亲

stay /steI/ vi.停留,呆

by the way /weI/ 顺便说一句

would /wUd/ like 想要

come /k?m/ vi.来

Unit 12

birthday /5b?:TdeI/ n.生日

party /5pA:tI/ n.晚会

soon /su:n/ adv.立刻,不久

tomorrow /t?5m?r?U/ n.明天

forget /f?5get/ vi.忘记

get /get/ vt.得到

card /kA:d/ n.卡片

chocolate /5tS?kl?t/ n.巧克力

toy /t?I/ n.玩具

would love /l?v/ 想要

cake /keIk/ n.蛋糕

banana /b?5nA:n?/ n.香蕉

juice /dZu:s/ n.果汁

sweet /swi:t/ n.糖果

buy /baI/ vt.买

present /5preznt/ n.礼物

toy shop 玩具店

when /wen/ adv.什么时候

wear /we?(r)/ vt.穿

cool /ku:l/ adj.(口语)酷的

drink /drINk/ n.饮料

fruit /fru:t/ n.水果

table /5teIbl/ n.桌子

such as /5s?tS ?s/ 例如……,像这种的

excited /Ik5saItId/ adj.兴奋的

wonderful /5w?nd?fl/ adj.精彩的,极好的

fun /f?n/ n.欢乐

sit /sIt/ vi.坐

balcony /5bQlk?nI/ n.阳台

talk /t?:k/ vi.谈论

interesting /5Intr?stIN/ adj.有趣的

stand /stQnd/ vi.站

sofa /5s?Uf?/ n.沙发

make /meIk/ a wish /wIS/ 许愿

blow out /5bl?U aUt/ 吹灭

candle /5kQndl/ n.蜡烛

cut /k?t/ vt.切

taste /teIst/ vi.&vt.品尝

delicious /dI5lIS?s/ adj.美味的

he a good time过得愉快

feel /fi:l/ vi.感觉

April /5eIpr?l/ n.四月

celebrate /5selIbreIt/ vt.庆祝

else /els/ adv.别的,其它的

grandparent /5grQnpe?r?nt/ n.(外)祖父(母)

clothes /kl?UDz/ n.(复数)衣服

fourite /5feIv?rIt/ adj.最喜欢的

day /deI/ n.白天;(一天)

year /jI?(r);j?:(r)/ n.年;岁

invitation /7InvI5teISn/ n.邀请

invite /In5vaIt/ vt.邀请

flat /flQt/ n.(楼中的)一套房间,公寓

Proper Nouns

Andy /5QndI/ n.安迪(男名)

Nick /nIk/ n.尼克(男名)

Millie /5mIlI/ n.米莉(女名)

Lily /5lIlI/ n.丽莉(女名)

Jill /dZIl/ n.吉尔(女名)

Peter /5pi:t?(r)/ n.彼得(男名)

Sally /5sQlI/ n.萨莉(女名)

Spotty /5sp?tI/ n.点点(宠物狗名)

Mimi /5mImI/ n.咪咪(宠物猫名)

Alice /5QlIs/ n.艾丽斯(女名)

Mary /5mQrI/ n.玛丽(女名)

Bob /b?b/ n.鲍勃(男名)

Tony /5t?UnI/ n.托尼(男名)

Kate /keIt/ n.凯特(女名)

Sammi /5sQmI/ n.萨米(女名)

Pat /pQt/ n.帕特(男名)

Lucy /5lu:sI/ n.露西(女名)

Alan /5Ql?n/ n.艾伦(男名)

Carl /kA:l/ n.卡尔(男名)

Jack /dZQk/ n.杰克(男名)

Tom /t?m/ n.汤姆(男名)


Unit 1

hi /haI/ int.(引人注意时的喊声,打招呼)嗨

morning /5m?:nIN/ n.早晨,早上

Good /?Ud/ morning. 早晨好。上午好。

Miss /mIs/ n.(对未婚女子的称呼)女士,**

goodbye /7?Ud5baI/ int.再见

afternoon /A:ft?5nu:n/ n.下午

Good afternoon. 下午好。

How /haU/ are you? (问候用语)你好吗?

I /aI/ pron.我

am /?m;Qm/ v.是

fine /faIn/ adj.好的;优良的

Thank you. /5TQNk ju:/ 谢谢你(们)。

are /?(r);A:(r)/ v.是

you /ju:/ pron.你;你们

today /t?5deI/ n.今天

what /w?t/ pron.什么

is /Iz/ v.是

your /j?:(r)/ pron.你的;你们的

name /neIm/ n.名字

right /raIt/ adj.正确的

yes /jes/ adv.(表示肯定)是;对

hello /h?5l?U/ int.(表示问候或唤起注意)喂

no /n?U/ adv.不;不是

Mrs /5mIsIz/ n.(对已婚妇女的称呼)夫人

Unit 2

this /DIs/ pron.& adj.这个;这

she /SI;Si:/ pron.她

my /maI/ pron.我的

sister /5sIst?(r)/ n.姐;妹

he /hI;hi:/ pron.他

twin /twIn/ n.双胞胎

brother /5br?D?(r)/ n.兄;弟

dog /d?g/ n.狗

cat /kQt/ n.猫

grandfather /5grQnfA:D?(r)/ n.(外)祖父

grandmother /5grQnm?D?(r)/ n.(外)祖母

father /5fA:D?(r)/ n.父亲

mother /5m?D?(r)/ n.母亲

it /It/ pron.它

a /eI;?/ art.一(个,件……)

photo /5f?Ut?U/ n.照片

of /?v; ?v/ prep.……的

who /hu:/ pron.谁

aunt /A:nt/ n.姑妈;伯母;舅妈;阿姨

uncle /5?Nkl/ n.叔叔;伯父;舅舅

cousin /5k?zn/ n.表兄弟;表姐妹

family /5fQm?lI/ n.家庭

doctor /5d?kt?(r)/ n.医生

teacher /5ti:tS?(r)/ n.老师

policeman /p?5li:sm?n/ n.警察

nurse /n?:s/ n.护士

job /dZ?b/ n.工作

Unit 3

we /wI;wi:/ pron.我们

classmate /5klA:smeIt/ n.同学

how old /?Ud/ 多大,几岁

twelve /twelv/ n.十二

too /tu:/ adv.也

polite /p?5laIt/ adj.有礼貌的,客气的

and /Qnd/ conj.同,和,与

helpful /5helpfl/ adj.乐于助人的

big /bIg/ adj.块头大的;大的

strong /str?N/ adj.强壮的

small /sm?:l/ adj.矮小的;小的

thin /TIn/ adj.瘦弱的

tall /t?:l/ adj.高的

slim /slIm/ adj.苗条的

short /S?:t/ adj.矮的

pretty /5prItI/ adj.漂亮的

girl /g?:l/ n.女孩

hy /5hQpI/ adj.高兴的

sad /sQd/ adj.伤心的,难过的

they /DeI/ pron.他们;她们;它们

he /h?v;hQv/ vt.有,拥有

two /tu:/ n.二

new /nju:/ adj.新的

friend /frend/ n.朋友

from /fr?m;fr?m/ prep.从;来自

English /5INglIS/ adj.英国的;英格兰人的

American /?5merIk?n/ adj.美国的;美国人的

let /let/ vt.允许,让

me /mI;mi:/ pron.我

he a look /lUk/ 看一看

good /gUd/ adj.好的

four /f?:(r)/ n.四

Unit 4

open /5?Up?n/ vt.打开

the /D?;DI;Di:/ art.(定冠词)这;这些

door /d?:/ n.门

please /pli:z/ adv.请

close /kl?Uz/ vt.关;关闭

stand up /5stQnd ?p/ 站起来;起立

sit down /5sIt daUn/ 坐下

blackboard /5blQkb?:d/ n.黑板

desk /desk/ n.书桌

window /5wInd?U/ n.窗户

bag /bQg/ n.包

book /bUk/ n.书

pencil box /5pensl b?ks/ 铅笔盒

clean /kli:n/ vt.使干净;打扫;清扫

one /w?n/ n.一

three /Tri:/ n.三

five /faIv/ n.五

pen /pen/ n.钢笔

six /sIks/ n.六

ruler /5ru:l?(r)/ n.尺子

seven /5sevn/ n.七

eight /eIt/ n.八

nine /naIn/ n.九

pencil /5pensl/ n.铅笔

ten /ten/ n.十

go /g?U/ vi.走

go to /t?/ school /sku:l/ 上学去

late /leIt/ adj.迟的

be /bI;bi:/ v.是(现在式am,are,is)

again /?5gen; ?5geIn/ adv.又,再次

there /De?(r)/ adv.(作引导词)表示“存在”

in /In/ prep.在……之内

class /klA:s/ n.班级

look /lUk/ vi.看

classroom /5klA:sru:m; 5klA:srUm/ n.教室

on /?n/ prep.在……之上

wall /w?:l/ n.墙

eleven /I5levn/ n.十一

number /5n?mb?(r)/ n.数字

four /7f?:5ti:n/ n.十四

fif /7fIf5ti:n/ n.十五

six /7sIks5ti:n/ n.十六

seven /7sevn5ti:n/ n.十七

eigh /7eI5ti:n/ n.十八

rubber /5r?b?(r)/ n.橡皮

thir /7T?:5ti:n/ n.十三

behind /bI5haInd/ prep.在……后面

chair /tSe?(r)/ n.椅子

teacher’s desk 讲台

nine /7naIn5ti:n/ n.十九

box /b?ks/ n.盒子

picture /5pIktS?(r)/ n.图画;照片

poster /5p?Ust?(r)/ n.海报,招贴画

ball /b?:l/ n.球

twenty /5twentI/ n.二十

student /5stju:dnt/ n.学生

school /sku:l/ n.学校

an /?n; Qn/ art.(元音前)一(个,件……)

art /A:t/ n.美术

room /ru:m;rUm/ n.房间

clean /kli:n/ adj.干净的

twenty-one /5twentI w?n/ n.二十一

thirty /5T?:tI/ n.三十

Unit 5

swimming pool /5swImIN pu:l/ 游泳池

football field /5fUtb?:l fi:ld/ 足球场

how many /5mQnI/ 多少

building /5bIldIN/ n.建筑物

office /5?fIs/ n.办公室

toilet /5t?Il?t/ n.洗手间

library /5laIbr?rI;5laIbrI/ n.图书馆

playground /5pleIgraUnd/ n.操场

hall /h?:l/ n.礼堂

only /5?UnlI/ adv.仅仅,只有

hundred /5h?ndr?d/ n.百

beautiful /5bju:tIfl/ adj.美丽的,漂亮的

garden /5gA:dn/ n.花园

floor /fl?:(r)/ n.地板;地面

ground floor /7graUnd 5fl?:(r)/ (英)第一层

first floor /7f?:st 5fl?:(r)/ (英)第二层

reading room /5ri:dIN rUm/ 阅览室

basketball court /5bA:skItb?:l k?:t/ 篮球场

tennis court /5tenIs k?:t/ 网球场

any /5enI/ adj.任何的,所有的

of course /?v 5k?:s/ 当然

study /5st?dI/ vi.学习

draw /dr?:/ vt.& vi.画画

Unit 6

park /pA:k/ n.公园

between /bI5twi:n/ prep.在……之间

tree /tri:/ n.树

flower /flaU?(r)/ n.花

under /5?nd?(r)/ prep.在……下面

in front /fr?nt/ of 在……前面

gate /geIt/ n.大门

bird /b?:d/ n.鸟

lake /leIk/ n.湖

climb /klaIm/ vt.爬

swim /swIm/ vi.游泳

pick /pIk/ vt.摘

feed /fi:d/ vt.喂

where /we?(r)/ adv.哪里

here /hI?(r)/ adv.这里

open /5?Up?n/ adj.开着的

left /left/ n.& adj.左面(的)

right /raIt/ n.& adj.右面(的)

cafe /5kQfeI/ n.咖啡馆;小餐厅

near /nI?(r)/ prep.近,不远

in the middle /5mIdl/ of 在……中间

house /haUs/ n.房屋;住所

boat /b?Ut/ n.船

zoo /zu:/ n.动物园

animal /5QnIml/ n.动物

shop /S?p/ n.商店

some /s?m;s?m/ adj.& pron.一些,若干

start /stA:t/ vi.& vt.开始

walk /w?:k/ vi.行走;散步

grass /grA:s/ n.草

miss /mIs/ vt.错过

turn /t?:n/ n.轮次

answer /5A:ns?(r)/ vt.& n.回答

question /5kwestS?n/ n.问题

throw /Tr?U/ vt.扔;掷

dice /daIs/ n.骰子

win /wIn/ vi.& vt.赢;胜

ice cream /7aIs 5kri:m/ n.冰淇淋

Unit 7

mum /m?m/ n.妈妈

shirt /S?:t/ n.衬衫

colour /k?l?(r)/ n.颜色

white /waIt/ n.& adj.白色(的)

coat /k?Ut/ n.外套

orange /5?rIndZ/ n.& adj.橙色(的)

these /Di:z/ pron.& adj.这些

dad /dQd/ n.爸爸

black /blQk/ n.& adj.黑色(的)

trousers /5traUz?z/ n.裤子

shoe /Su:/ n.鞋

green /gri:n/ n.& adj.绿色(的)

brown /braUn/ n.& adj.褐色(的)

cap /kQp/ n.帽子

red /red/ n.& adj.红色(的)

T-shirt /5ti:S?:t/ n.T恤衫

blue /blu:/ n.& adj.蓝色(的)

jeans /dZi:nz/ n.牛仔裤

yellow /5yel?U/ n.& adj.**(的)

blouse /blaUz/ n.女衬衫

pink /pINk/ n.& adj.粉红色(的)

sweater /5swet?(r)/ n.毛衣

grey /greI/ n.& adj.灰色(的)

skirt /sk?:t/ n.短裙

whose /hu:z/ pron.谁的

bike /baIk/ n.自行车

basketball /5bA:skItb?:l/ n.篮球

his /hIz/ pron.他的;他的(东西)

our /5aU?(r)/ pron.我们的

kite /kaIt/ n.风筝

their /De?(r)/ pron.他们的

car /kA:(r)/ n.小汽车

cold /k?Uld/ adj.冷的

thanks /TQNks/ n.(口语)谢谢

take /teIk/ vt.拿走;取,抓

racket /5rQkIt/ n.球拍

her /h?(r);h?:(r)/ pron.她的

bed /bed/ n.床

dress /dres/ n.长裙

teddy bear /5tedI be?(r)/ 玩具熊

stick /stIk/ vt.粘住

Unit 8

do /d?;dU;du:/ v.aux.(构成否定句及疑问句的助动词,无意义)

Walkman /5w?:km?n/ n.随身听

has /h?z;hQz/ vt.有(he的第三人称单数现在式)

comic /5k?mIk/ n.连环

about /?5baUt/ prep.关于

scarf /skA:f/ n.围巾

radio /5reIdI?U/ n.收音机

computer /k?m5pju:t?(r)/ n.电脑

sticker /5stIk?(r)/ n.(不干胶)贴纸

CD /7si: 5di:/ abbr.光盘(compact disc的缩写)

watch /w?tS/ n.手表

hair clip /5he?(r) klIp/ 发夹

yours /j?:z/ pron.你的(东西);你们的(东西)

mine /maIn/ pron.我们的(东西)

hers /h?:z/ pron.他们的(东西)

theirs /De?z/ pron.他们的(东西)

ours /5aU?z/ pron.我们的(东西)

locker /5l?k?(r)/ n.有锁的存物柜

le /5Qpl/ n.苹果

pear /pe?(r)/ n.梨

snack /snQk/ n.零食

a pair /pe?(r)/ of 一双,一对

sunglasses /5s?nglA:sIz/ n.太阳镜

can /kQn/ n.听,罐

Coke /k?Uk/ n.可口可乐

beside /bI5saId/ prep.在……旁边

trainer /5treIn?(r)/ n.(软底)运动鞋

pet /pet/ n.宠物

goldfish /5g?UldfIS/ n.金鱼

duck /d?k/ n.鸭子

chicken /5tSIkIn/ n.小鸡

rabbit /5rQbIt/ n.兔子

Unit 9

can /k?n;kQn/ modal v.能,可以

play /pleI/ vt.玩

football /5fUtb?:l/ n.足球

Great! /greIt/ 太好了!

us /?s; ?s/ pron.(作宾语)我们

why /waI/ adv.为什么

sign /saIn/ n.标志

bring /brIN/ vt.带来

oh /?U/ int.哦

I see /si:/. 我明白了。我知道了。

watch /w?tS/ vt.看,观看

TV /7ti: 5vi:/ abbr.电视(television的缩写)

listen /5lIsn/ vi.听;收听

music /5mju:zIk/ n.音乐

fly /flaI/ vt.使飞;放(风筝等)

ride /raId/ vt.骑,乘

smoke /sm?Uk/ vi.抽烟,吸烟

Excuse /Ik5skju:z/ me. (跟陌生人说话时)对不起。

eat /i:t/ vt.吃

homework /5h?Umw?:k/ n.家庭作业

Internet /5Int?net/ n.因特网;互联网

write /raIt/ vi.& vt.写;写字

shout /SaUt/ vi.大叫

newspaper /5nju:zpeIp?(r)/ n.报纸

light /laIt/ n.(交通)灯

cross /kr?s/ vt.穿过

must /m?st;m?st/ modal v.必须,应当

wait /weIt/ vi.等待,等候

park /pA:k/ vt.停(车)

right /raIt/ adj.恰当的;合适的

supermarket /5su:p?mA:kIt/ n.超市

into /5Int?;5IntU;5Intu:/ prep.进,入,到……里

now /naU/ adv.现在,此刻

use /ju:z/ vt.使用,利用

shopping basket /5S?pIN bA:skIt/ 购物篮

sure /SU?(r)/ adv.的确,当然

put /pUt/ vt.放,安置

over /5?Uv?(r)/ there 在那边

first /f?:st/ adv.首先,最初,第一

Unit 10

get up /get ?p/ 起床

time /taIm/ n.时间

o’clock /?5kl?k/ adv.点钟

breakfast /5brekf?st/ n.早饭,早餐

hurry /5h?rI/ up 赶快

sorry /5s?rI/ adj.抱歉的

Chinese /7tSaI5ni:z/ n.中文

lesson /5lesn/ n.(一节)课;功课

Maths /5mQTs/ n.数学

Monday /5m?ndeI;5m?ndI/ n.星期一

Tuesday /5tju:zdeI;5tju:zdI/ n.星期二

Friday /5fraIdeI;5fraIdI/ n.星期五

Thursday /5T?:zdeI;5T?:zdI/ n.星期四

chat /tSQt/ vi.聊天

each other /i:tS 5?D?(r)/ 相互

lunchtime /5l?ntStaIm/ n.午餐时间

English /5INglIS/ n.英语

timetable /5taImteIbl/ n.时间表

often /5?fn; 5?ft?n/ adv.常常,经常

then /Den/ adv.然后

he /h?v;hQv/ vt.吃;喝

usually /5ju:ZU?lI;5ju:Z?lI/ adv.通常,经常

a.m. /7eI 5em/ abbr.上午

begin /bI5gIn/ vi.开始

p.m. /7pi: 5em/ abbr.下午

other /5?D?/ adj.其它的

like /laIk/ prep.像,如同

science /5saI?ns/ n.科学

PE /7pi: 5i:/ abbr.体育(课)(Physical Education缩写)

after /5A:ft?(r)/ prep.在……之后

about /?5baUt/ adv.大约

go home /h?Um/ 回家

dinner /5dIn?(r)/ n.下餐,宴会

go to bed 上床睡觉

tell /tel/ vt.告诉

want /w?nt/ vi.想要,希望

to /t?;tU;tu:/ (动词不定式符号,无词义)

know /n?U/ vi.& vt.知道,了解

badminton /5bQdmInt?n/ n.羽毛球

glad /glQd/ adj.高兴的,开心的

hear /hI?(r)/ vi.& vt.听到,听说

activity /Qk5tIv?tI/ n.活动

read /ri:d/ vi.& vt.阅读

lunch /l?tS/ n.午饭

Unit 11

Saturday /5sQt?deI;5sQt?dI/ n.星期六

always /5?:lweIz/ adv.通常,总是,永远

supper /5s?p?(r)/ n.晚饭

help /help/ vt.帮助

with /wID/ prep.在……方面:和……一起

housework /5haUsw?:k/ n.家务

sometimes /5s?mtaImz/ adv.不时,有时

weekend /7wi:k5end/ n.周末

too much /m?tS/ 太多

e-mail /5i:meIl/ n.电子邮件

volleyball /5v?lIb?:l/ n.排球

visit /5vIzIt/ vt.参观

museum /mjU5zi:?m/ n.博物馆

go shopping /5S?pIN/ 购物,逛街

fast food /fA:st 5fUd/ 快餐

restaurant /5restr?nt/ n.餐馆

early /5?:lI/ adv.早

Sunday /5s?ndeI;5s?ndI/ n.星期天

cook /kUk/ vi.&vt.煮,烧

but /b?t;b?t/ conj.但是

wash /w?S/ vt.洗

dish /dIS/ n.盘子

go fishing /5fISIN/钓鱼

water /5w?:t?(r)/ vt.给……浇水

like /laIk/ vi.&vt.喜欢

exercise /5eks?saIz/ vi.锻炼

for /f?(r);f?:(r)/ prep.(表示时间、距离)达;计;为

half /hA:f/ adj.半,一半

hour /5aU?(r)/ n.小时

run /r?n/ vi.跑

bark /bA:k/ vi.吠

jump /dZ?mp/ vi.跳

hily /5hQpIlI/ adv.高兴地

take /teIk/ vt.乘坐

bus /b?s/ n.公共汽车

enjoy /In5dZ?I/ vt.享受

down /daUn/ prep.向下

street /stri:t/ n.街道

say /seI/ vt.说

neighbour /5neIb?(r)/ n.邻居

herself /h?:5self;h?5self/ pron.她自己

very much /5verI m?tS/ 十分;非常

nice /naIs/ adj.好的

meet /mi:t/ vt.遇见

together /t?5geD?(r)/ adv.和……一起

lots /l?ts/ of 许多

see /si:/ vt.看

film /fIlm/ n.**

parent /5pe?r?nt/ n.父亲或母亲

stay /steI/ vi.停留,呆

by the way /weI/ 顺便说一句

would /wUd/ like 想要

come /k?m/ vi.来

Unit 12

birthday /5b?:TdeI/ n.生日

party /5pA:tI/ n.晚会

soon /su:n/ adv.立刻,不久

tomorrow /t?5m?r?U/ n.明天

forget /f?5get/ vi.忘记

get /get/ vt.得到

card /kA:d/ n.卡片

chocolate /5tS?kl?t/ n.巧克力

toy /t?I/ n.玩具

would love /l?v/ 想要

cake /keIk/ n.蛋糕

banana /b?5nA:n?/ n.香蕉

juice /dZu:s/ n.果汁

sweet /swi:t/ n.糖果

buy /baI/ vt.买

present /5preznt/ n.礼物

toy shop 玩具店

when /wen/ adv.什么时候

wear /we?(r)/ vt.穿

cool /ku:l/ adj.(口语)酷的

drink /drINk/ n.饮料

fruit /fru:t/ n.水果

table /5teIbl/ n.桌子

such as /5s?tS ?s/ 例如……,像这种的

excited /Ik5saItId/ adj.兴奋的

wonderful /5w?nd?fl/ adj.精彩的,极好的

fun /f?n/ n.欢乐

sit /sIt/ vi.坐

balcony /5bQlk?nI/ n.阳台

talk /t?:k/ vi.谈论

interesting /5Intr?stIN/ adj.有趣的

stand /stQnd/ vi.站

sofa /5s?Uf?/ n.沙发

make /meIk/ a wish /wIS/ 许愿

blow out /5bl?U aUt/ 吹灭

candle /5kQndl/ n.蜡烛

cut /k?t/ vt.切

taste /teIst/ vi.&vt.品尝

delicious /dI5lIS?s/ adj.美味的

he a good time过得愉快

feel /fi:l/ vi.感觉

April /5eIpr?l/ n.四月

celebrate /5selIbreIt/ vt.庆祝

else /els/ adv.别的,其它的

grandparent /5grQnpe?r?nt/ n.(外)祖父(母)

clothes /kl?UDz/ n.(复数)衣服

fourite /5feIv?rIt/ adj.最喜欢的

day /deI/ n.白天;(一天)

year /jI?(r);j?:(r)/ n.年;岁

invitation /7InvI5teISn/ n.邀请

invite /In5vaIt/ vt.邀请

flat /flQt/ n.(楼中的)一套房间,公寓

Proper Nouns

Andy /5QndI/ n.安迪(男名)

Nick /nIk/ n.尼克(男名)

Millie /5mIlI/ n.米莉(女名)

Lily /5lIlI/ n.丽莉(女名)

Jill /dZIl/ n.吉尔(女名)

Peter /5pi:t?(r)/ n.彼得(男名)

Sally /5sQlI/ n.萨莉(女名)

Spotty /5sp?tI/ n.点点(宠物狗名)

Mimi /5mImI/ n.咪咪(宠物猫名)

Alice /5QlIs/ n.艾丽斯(女名)

Mary /5mQrI/ n.玛丽(女名)

Bob /b?b/ n.鲍勃(男名)

Tony /5t?UnI/ n.托尼(男名)

Kate /keIt/ n.凯特(女名)

Sammi /5sQmI/ n.萨米(女名)

Pat /pQt/ n.帕特(男名)

Lucy /5lu:sI/ n.露西(女名)

Alan /5Ql?n/ n.艾伦(男名)

Carl /kA:l/ n.卡尔(男名)

Jack /dZQk/ n.杰克(男名)

Tom /t?m/ n.汤姆(男名)


Unit 1

hi /haI/ int.(引人注意时的喊声,打招呼)嗨

morning /5m?:nIN/ n.早晨,早上

Good /?Ud/ morning. 早晨好。上午好。

Miss /mIs/ n.(对未婚女子的称呼)女士,**

goodbye /7?Ud5baI/ int.再见

afternoon /A:ft?5nu:n/ n.下午

Good afternoon. 下午好。

How /haU/ are you? (问候用语)你好吗?

I /aI/ pron.我

am /?m;Qm/ v.是

fine /faIn/ adj.好的;优良的

Thank you. /5TQNk ju:/ 谢谢你(们)。

are /?(r);A:(r)/ v.是

you /ju:/ pron.你;你们

today /t?5deI/ n.今天

what /w?t/ pron.什么

is /Iz/ v.是

your /j?:(r)/ pron.你的;你们的

name /neIm/ n.名字

right /raIt/ adj.正确的

yes /jes/ adv.(表示肯定)是;对

hello /h?5l?U/ int.(表示问候或唤起注意)喂

no /n?U/ adv.不;不是

Mrs /5mIsIz/ n.(对已婚妇女的称呼)夫人

Unit 2

this /DIs/ pron.& adj.这个;这

she /SI;Si:/ pron.她

my /maI/ pron.我的

sister /5sIst?(r)/ n.姐;妹

he /hI;hi:/ pron.他

twin /twIn/ n.双胞胎

brother /5br?D?(r)/ n.兄;弟

dog /d?g/ n.狗

cat /kQt/ n.猫

grandfather /5grQnfA:D?(r)/ n.(外)祖父

grandmother /5grQnm?D?(r)/ n.(外)祖母

father /5fA:D?(r)/ n.父亲

mother /5m?D?(r)/ n.母亲

it /It/ pron.它

a /eI;?/ art.一(个,件……)

photo /5f?Ut?U/ n.照片

of /?v; ?v/ prep.……的

who /hu:/ pron.谁

aunt /A:nt/ n.姑妈;伯母;舅妈;阿姨

uncle /5?Nkl/ n.叔叔;伯父;舅舅

cousin /5k?zn/ n.表兄弟;表姐妹

family /5fQm?lI/ n.家庭

doctor /5d?kt?(r)/ n.医生

teacher /5ti:tS?(r)/ n.老师

policeman /p?5li:sm?n/ n.警察

nurse /n?:s/ n.护士

job /dZ?b/ n.工作

Unit 3

we /wI;wi:/ pron.我们

classmate /5klA:smeIt/ n.同学

how old /?Ud/ 多大,几岁

twelve /twelv/ n.十二

too /tu:/ adv.也

polite /p?5laIt/ adj.有礼貌的,客气的

and /Qnd/ conj.同,和,与

helpful /5helpfl/ adj.乐于助人的

big /bIg/ adj.块头大的;大的

strong /str?N/ adj.强壮的

small /sm?:l/ adj.矮小的;小的

thin /TIn/ adj.瘦弱的

tall /t?:l/ adj.高的

slim /slIm/ adj.苗条的

short /S?:t/ adj.矮的

pretty /5prItI/ adj.漂亮的

girl /g?:l/ n.女孩

hy /5hQpI/ adj.高兴的

sad /sQd/ adj.伤心的,难过的

they /DeI/ pron.他们;她们;它们

he /h?v;hQv/ vt.有,拥有

two /tu:/ n.二

new /nju:/ adj.新的

friend /frend/ n.朋友

from /fr?m;fr?m/ prep.从;来自

English /5INglIS/ adj.英国的;英格兰人的

American /?5merIk?n/ adj.美国的;美国人的

let /let/ vt.允许,让

me /mI;mi:/ pron.我

he a look /lUk/ 看一看

good /gUd/ adj.好的

four /f?:(r)/ n.四

Unit 4

open /5?Up?n/ vt.打开

the /D?;DI;Di:/ art.(定冠词)这;这些

door /d?:/ n.门

please /pli:z/ adv.请

close /kl?Uz/ vt.关;关闭

stand up /5stQnd ?p/ 站起来;起立

sit down /5sIt daUn/ 坐下

blackboard /5blQkb?:d/ n.黑板

desk /desk/ n.书桌

window /5wInd?U/ n.窗户

bag /bQg/ n.包

book /bUk/ n.书

pencil box /5pensl b?ks/ 铅笔盒

clean /kli:n/ vt.使干净;打扫;清扫

one /w?n/ n.一

three /Tri:/ n.三

five /faIv/ n.五

pen /pen/ n.钢笔

six /sIks/ n.六

ruler /5ru:l?(r)/ n.尺子

seven /5sevn/ n.七

eight /eIt/ n.八

nine /naIn/ n.九

pencil /5pensl/ n.铅笔

ten /ten/ n.十

go /g?U/ vi.走

go to /t?/ school /sku:l/ 上学去

late /leIt/ adj.迟的

be /bI;bi:/ v.是(现在式am,are,is)

again /?5gen; ?5geIn/ adv.又,再次

there /De?(r)/ adv.(作引导词)表示“存在”

in /In/ prep.在……之内

class /klA:s/ n.班级

look /lUk/ vi.看

classroom /5klA:sru:m; 5klA:srUm/ n.教室

on /?n/ prep.在……之上

wall /w?:l/ n.墙

eleven /I5levn/ n.十一

number /5n?mb?(r)/ n.数字

four /7f?:5ti:n/ n.十四

fif /7fIf5ti:n/ n.十五

six /7sIks5ti:n/ n.十六

seven /7sevn5ti:n/ n.十七

eigh /7eI5ti:n/ n.十八

rubber /5r?b?(r)/ n.橡皮

thir /7T?:5ti:n/ n.十三

behind /bI5haInd/ prep.在……后面

chair /tSe?(r)/ n.椅子

teacher’s desk 讲台

nine /7naIn5ti:n/ n.十九

box /b?ks/ n.盒子

picture /5pIktS?(r)/ n.图画;照片

poster /5p?Ust?(r)/ n.海报,招贴画

ball /b?:l/ n.球

twenty /5twentI/ n.二十

student /5stju:dnt/ n.学生

school /sku:l/ n.学校

an /?n; Qn/ art.(元音前)一(个,件……)

art /A:t/ n.美术

room /ru:m;rUm/ n.房间

clean /kli:n/ adj.干净的

twenty-one /5twentI w?n/ n.二十一

thirty /5T?:tI/ n.三十

Unit 5

swimming pool /5swImIN pu:l/ 游泳池

football field /5fUtb?:l fi:ld/ 足球场

how many /5mQnI/ 多少

building /5bIldIN/ n.建筑物

office /5?fIs/ n.办公室

toilet /5t?Il?t/ n.洗手间

library /5laIbr?rI;5laIbrI/ n.图书馆

playground /5pleIgraUnd/ n.操场

hall /h?:l/ n.礼堂

only /5?UnlI/ adv.仅仅,只有

hundred /5h?ndr?d/ n.百

beautiful /5bju:tIfl/ adj.美丽的,漂亮的

garden /5gA:dn/ n.花园

floor /fl?:(r)/ n.地板;地面

ground floor /7graUnd 5fl?:(r)/ (英)第一层

first floor /7f?:st 5fl?:(r)/ (英)第二层

reading room /5ri:dIN rUm/ 阅览室

basketball court /5bA:skItb?:l k?:t/ 篮球场

tennis court /5tenIs k?:t/ 网球场

any /5enI/ adj.任何的,所有的

of course /?v 5k?:s/ 当然

study /5st?dI/ vi.学习

draw /dr?:/ vt.& vi.画画

Unit 6

park /pA:k/ n.公园

between /bI5twi:n/ prep.在……之间

tree /tri:/ n.树

flower /flaU?(r)/ n.花

under /5?nd?(r)/ prep.在……下面

in front /fr?nt/ of 在……前面

gate /geIt/ n.大门

bird /b?:d/ n.鸟

lake /leIk/ n.湖

climb /klaIm/ vt.爬

swim /swIm/ vi.游泳

pick /pIk/ vt.摘

feed /fi:d/ vt.喂

where /we?(r)/ adv.哪里

here /hI?(r)/ adv.这里

open /5?Up?n/ adj.开着的

left /left/ n.& adj.左面(的)

right /raIt/ n.& adj.右面(的)

cafe /5kQfeI/ n.咖啡馆;小餐厅

near /nI?(r)/ prep.近,不远

in the middle /5mIdl/ of 在……中间

house /haUs/ n.房屋;住所

boat /b?Ut/ n.船

zoo /zu:/ n.动物园

animal /5QnIml/ n.动物

shop /S?p/ n.商店

some /s?m;s?m/ adj.& pron.一些,若干

start /stA:t/ vi.& vt.开始

walk /w?:k/ vi.行走;散步

grass /grA:s/ n.草

miss /mIs/ vt.错过

turn /t?:n/ n.轮次

answer /5A:ns?(r)/ vt.& n.回答

question /5kwestS?n/ n.问题

throw /Tr?U/ vt.扔;掷

dice /daIs/ n.骰子

win /wIn/ vi.& vt.赢;胜

ice cream /7aIs 5kri:m/ n.冰淇淋

Unit 7

mum /m?m/ n.妈妈

shirt /S?:t/ n.衬衫

colour /k?l?(r)/ n.颜色

white /waIt/ n.& adj.白色(的)

coat /k?Ut/ n.外套

orange /5?rIndZ/ n.& adj.橙色(的)

these /Di:z/ pron.& adj.这些

dad /dQd/ n.爸爸

black /blQk/ n.& adj.黑色(的)

trousers /5traUz?z/ n.裤子

shoe /Su:/ n.鞋

green /gri:n/ n.& adj.绿色(的)

brown /braUn/ n.& adj.褐色(的)

cap /kQp/ n.帽子

red /red/ n.& adj.红色(的)

T-shirt /5ti:S?:t/ n.T恤衫

blue /blu:/ n.& adj.蓝色(的)

jeans /dZi:nz/ n.牛仔裤

yellow /5yel?U/ n.& adj.**(的)

blouse /blaUz/ n.女衬衫

pink /pINk/ n.& adj.粉红色(的)

sweater /5swet?(r)/ n.毛衣

grey /greI/ n.& adj.灰色(的)

skirt /sk?:t/ n.短裙

whose /hu:z/ pron.谁的

bike /baIk/ n.自行车

basketball /5bA:skItb?:l/ n.篮球

his /hIz/ pron.他的;他的(东西)

our /5aU?(r)/ pron.我们的

kite /kaIt/ n.风筝

their /De?(r)/ pron.他们的

car /kA:(r)/ n.小汽车

cold /k?Uld/ adj.冷的

thanks /TQNks/ n.(口语)谢谢

take /teIk/ vt.拿走;取,抓

racket /5rQkIt/ n.球拍

her /h?(r);h?:(r)/ pron.她的

bed /bed/ n.床

dress /dres/ n.长裙

teddy bear /5tedI be?(r)/ 玩具熊

stick /stIk/ vt.粘住

Unit 8

do /d?;dU;du:/ v.aux.(构成否定句及疑问句的助动词,无意义)

Walkman /5w?:km?n/ n.随身听

has /h?z;hQz/ vt.有(he的第三人称单数现在式)

comic /5k?mIk/ n.连环

about /?5baUt/ prep.关于

scarf /skA:f/ n.围巾

radio /5reIdI?U/ n.收音机

computer /k?m5pju:t?(r)/ n.电脑

sticker /5stIk?(r)/ n.(不干胶)贴纸

CD /7si: 5di:/ abbr.光盘(compact disc的缩写)

watch /w?tS/ n.手表

hair clip /5he?(r) klIp/ 发夹

yours /j?:z/ pron.你的(东西);你们的(东西)

mine /maIn/ pron.我们的(东西)

hers /h?:z/ pron.他们的(东西)

theirs /De?z/ pron.他们的(东西)

ours /5aU?z/ pron.我们的(东西)

locker /5l?k?(r)/ n.有锁的存物柜

le /5Qpl/ n.苹果

pear /pe?(r)/ n.梨

snack /snQk/ n.零食

a pair /pe?(r)/ of 一双,一对

sunglasses /5s?nglA:sIz/ n.太阳镜

can /kQn/ n.听,罐

Coke /k?Uk/ n.可口可乐

beside /bI5saId/ prep.在……旁边

trainer /5treIn?(r)/ n.(软底)运动鞋

pet /pet/ n.宠物

goldfish /5g?UldfIS/ n.金鱼

duck /d?k/ n.鸭子

chicken /5tSIkIn/ n.小鸡

rabbit /5rQbIt/ n.兔子

Unit 9

can /k?n;kQn/ modal v.能,可以

play /pleI/ vt.玩

football /5fUtb?:l/ n.足球

Great! /greIt/ 太好了!

us /?s; ?s/ pron.(作宾语)我们

why /waI/ adv.为什么

sign /saIn/ n.标志

bring /brIN/ vt.带来

oh /?U/ int.哦

I see /si:/. 我明白了。我知道了。

watch /w?tS/ vt.看,观看

TV /7ti: 5vi:/ abbr.电视(television的缩写)

listen /5lIsn/ vi.听;收听

music /5mju:zIk/ n.音乐

fly /flaI/ vt.使飞;放(风筝等)

ride /raId/ vt.骑,乘

smoke /sm?Uk/ vi.抽烟,吸烟

Excuse /Ik5skju:z/ me. (跟陌生人说话时)对不起。

eat /i:t/ vt.吃

homework /5h?Umw?:k/ n.家庭作业

Internet /5Int?net/ n.因特网;互联网

write /raIt/ vi.& vt.写;写字

shout /SaUt/ vi.大叫

newspaper /5nju:zpeIp?(r)/ n.报纸

light /laIt/ n.(交通)灯

cross /kr?s/ vt.穿过

must /m?st;m?st/ modal v.必须,应当

wait /weIt/ vi.等待,等候

park /pA:k/ vt.停(车)

right /raIt/ adj.恰当的;合适的

supermarket /5su:p?mA:kIt/ n.超市

into /5Int?;5IntU;5Intu:/ prep.进,入,到……里

now /naU/ adv.现在,此刻

use /ju:z/ vt.使用,利用

shopping basket /5S?pIN bA:skIt/ 购物篮

sure /SU?(r)/ adv.的确,当然

put /pUt/ vt.放,安置

over /5?Uv?(r)/ there 在那边

first /f?:st/ adv.首先,最初,第一

Unit 10

get up /get ?p/ 起床

time /taIm/ n.时间

o’clock /?5kl?k/ adv.点钟

breakfast /5brekf?st/ n.早饭,早餐

hurry /5h?rI/ up 赶快

sorry /5s?rI/ adj.抱歉的

Chinese /7tSaI5ni:z/ n.中文

lesson /5lesn/ n.(一节)课;功课

Maths /5mQTs/ n.数学

Monday /5m?ndeI;5m?ndI/ n.星期一

Tuesday /5tju:zdeI;5tju:zdI/ n.星期二

Friday /5fraIdeI;5fraIdI/ n.星期五

Thursday /5T?:zdeI;5T?:zdI/ n.星期四

chat /tSQt/ vi.聊天

each other /i:tS 5?D?(r)/ 相互

lunchtime /5l?ntStaIm/ n.午餐时间

English /5INglIS/ n.英语

timetable /5taImteIbl/ n.时间表

often /5?fn; 5?ft?n/ adv.常常,经常

then /Den/ adv.然后

he /h?v;hQv/ vt.吃;喝

usually /5ju:ZU?lI;5ju:Z?lI/ adv.通常,经常

a.m. /7eI 5em/ abbr.上午

begin /bI5gIn/ vi.开始

p.m. /7pi: 5em/ abbr.下午

other /5?D?/ adj.其它的

like /laIk/ prep.像,如同

science /5saI?ns/ n.科学

PE /7pi: 5i:/ abbr.体育(课)(Physical Education缩写)

after /5A:ft?(r)/ prep.在……之后

about /?5baUt/ adv.大约

go home /h?Um/ 回家

dinner /5dIn?(r)/ n.下餐,宴会

go to bed 上床睡觉

tell /tel/ vt.告诉

want /w?nt/ vi.想要,希望

to /t?;tU;tu:/ (动词不定式符号,无词义)

know /n?U/ vi.& vt.知道,了解

badminton /5bQdmInt?n/ n.羽毛球

glad /glQd/ adj.高兴的,开心的

hear /hI?(r)/ vi.& vt.听到,听说

activity /Qk5tIv?tI/ n.活动

read /ri:d/ vi.& vt.阅读

lunch /l?tS/ n.午饭

Unit 11

Saturday /5sQt?deI;5sQt?dI/ n.星期六

always /5?:lweIz/ adv.通常,总是,永远

supper /5s?p?(r)/ n.晚饭

help /help/ vt.帮助

with /wID/ prep.在……方面:和……一起

housework /5haUsw?:k/ n.家务

sometimes /5s?mtaImz/ adv.不时,有时

weekend /7wi:k5end/ n.周末

too much /m?tS/ 太多

e-mail /5i:meIl/ n.电子邮件

volleyball /5v?lIb?:l/ n.排球

visit /5vIzIt/ vt.参观

museum /mjU5zi:?m/ n.博物馆

go shopping /5S?pIN/ 购物,逛街

fast food /fA:st 5fUd/ 快餐

restaurant /5restr?nt/ n.餐馆

early /5?:lI/ adv.早

Sunday /5s?ndeI;5s?ndI/ n.星期天

cook /kUk/ vi.&vt.煮,烧

but /b?t;b?t/ conj.但是

wash /w?S/ vt.洗

dish /dIS/ n.盘子

go fishing /5fISIN/钓鱼

water /5w?:t?(r)/ vt.给……浇水

like /laIk/ vi.&vt.喜欢

exercise /5eks?saIz/ vi.锻炼

for /f?(r);f?:(r)/ prep.(表示时间、距离)达;计;为

half /hA:f/ adj.半,一半

hour /5aU?(r)/ n.小时

run /r?n/ vi.跑

bark /bA:k/ vi.吠

jump /dZ?mp/ vi.跳

hily /5hQpIlI/ adv.高兴地

take /teIk/ vt.乘坐

bus /b?s/ n.公共汽车

enjoy /In5dZ?I/ vt.享受

down /daUn/ prep.向下

street /stri:t/ n.街道

say /seI/ vt.说

neighbour /5neIb?(r)/ n.邻居

herself /h?:5self;h?5self/ pron.她自己

very much /5verI m?tS/ 十分;非常

nice /naIs/ adj.好的

meet /mi:t/ vt.遇见

together /t?5geD?(r)/ adv.和……一起

lots /l?ts/ of 许多

see /si:/ vt.看

film /fIlm/ n.**

parent /5pe?r?nt/ n.父亲或母亲

stay /steI/ vi.停留,呆

by the way /weI/ 顺便说一句

would /wUd/ like 想要

come /k?m/ vi.来

Unit 12

birthday /5b?:TdeI/ n.生日

party /5pA:tI/ n.晚会

soon /su:n/ adv.立刻,不久

tomorrow /t?5m?r?U/ n.明天

forget /f?5get/ vi.忘记

get /get/ vt.得到

card /kA:d/ n.卡片

chocolate /5tS?kl?t/ n.巧克力

toy /t?I/ n.玩具

would love /l?v/ 想要

cake /keIk/ n.蛋糕

banana /b?5nA:n?/ n.香蕉

juice /dZu:s/ n.果汁

sweet /swi:t/ n.糖果

buy /baI/ vt.买

present /5preznt/ n.礼物

toy shop 玩具店

when /wen/ adv.什么时候

wear /we?(r)/ vt.穿

cool /ku:l/ adj.(口语)酷的

drink /drINk/ n.饮料

fruit /fru:t/ n.水果

table /5teIbl/ n.桌子

such as /5s?tS ?s/ 例如……,像这种的

excited /Ik5saItId/ adj.兴奋的

wonderful /5w?nd?fl/ adj.精彩的,极好的

fun /f?n/ n.欢乐

sit /sIt/ vi.坐

balcony /5bQlk?nI/ n.阳台

talk /t?:k/ vi.谈论

interesting /5Intr?stIN/ adj.有趣的

stand /stQnd/ vi.站

sofa /5s?Uf?/ n.沙发

make /meIk/ a wish /wIS/ 许愿

blow out /5bl?U aUt/ 吹灭

candle /5kQndl/ n.蜡烛

cut /k?t/ vt.切

taste /teIst/ vi.&vt.品尝

delicious /dI5lIS?s/ adj.美味的

he a good time过得愉快

feel /fi:l/ vi.感觉

April /5eIpr?l/ n.四月

celebrate /5selIbreIt/ vt.庆祝

else /els/ adv.别的,其它的

grandparent /5grQnpe?r?nt/ n.(外)祖父(母)

clothes /kl?UDz/ n.(复数)衣服

fourite /5feIv?rIt/ adj.最喜欢的

day /deI/ n.白天;(一天)

year /jI?(r);j?:(r)/ n.年;岁

invitation /7InvI5teISn/ n.邀请

invite /In5vaIt/ vt.邀请

flat /flQt/ n.(楼中的)一套房间,公寓

Proper Nouns

Andy /5QndI/ n.安迪(男名)

Nick /nIk/ n.尼克(男名)

Millie /5mIlI/ n.米莉(女名)

Lily /5lIlI/ n.丽莉(女名)

Jill /dZIl/ n.吉尔(女名)

Peter /5pi:t?(r)/ n.彼得(男名)

Sally /5sQlI/ n.萨莉(女名)

Spotty /5sp?tI/ n.点点(宠物狗名)

Mimi /5mImI/ n.咪咪(宠物猫名)

Alice /5QlIs/ n.艾丽斯(女名)

Mary /5mQrI/ n.玛丽(女名)

Bob /b?b/ n.鲍勃(男名)

Tony /5t?UnI/ n.托尼(男名)

Kate /keIt/ n.凯特(女名)

Sammi /5sQmI/ n.萨米(女名)

Pat /pQt/ n.帕特(男名)

Lucy /5lu:sI/ n.露西(女名)

Alan /5Ql?n/ n.艾伦(男名)

Carl /kA:l/ n.卡尔(男名)

Jack /dZQk/ n.杰克(男名)

Tom /t?m/ n.汤姆(男名)



Unit 1

hi /haI/ int.(引人注意时的喊声,打招呼)嗨

morning /5m?:nIN/ n.早晨,早上

Good /?Ud/ morning. 早晨好。上午好。

Miss /mIs/ n.(对未婚女子的称呼)女士,**

goodbye /7?Ud5baI/ int.再见

afternoon /A:ft?5nu:n/ n.下午

Good afternoon. 下午好。

How /haU/ are you? (问候用语)你好吗?

I /aI/ pron.我

am /?m;Qm/ v.是

fine /faIn/ adj.好的;优良的

Thank you. /5TQNk ju:/ 谢谢你(们)。

are /?(r);A:(r)/ v.是

you /ju:/ pron.你;你们

today /t?5deI/ n.今天

what /w?t/ pron.什么

is /Iz/ v.是

your /j?:(r)/ pron.你的;你们的

name /neIm/ n.名字

right /raIt/ adj.正确的

yes /jes/ adv.(表示肯定)是;对

hello /h?5l?U/ int.(表示问候或唤起注意)喂

no /n?U/ adv.不;不是

Mrs /5mIsIz/ n.(对已婚妇女的称呼)夫人

Unit 2

this /DIs/ pron.& adj.这个;这

she /SI;Si:/ pron.她

my /maI/ pron.我的

sister /5sIst?(r)/ n.姐;妹

he /hI;hi:/ pron.他

twin /twIn/ n.双胞胎

brother /5br?D?(r)/ n.兄;弟

dog /d?g/ n.狗

cat /kQt/ n.猫

grandfather /5grQnfA:D?(r)/ n.(外)祖父

grandmother /5grQnm?D?(r)/ n.(外)祖母

father /5fA:D?(r)/ n.父亲

mother /5m?D?(r)/ n.母亲

it /It/ pron.它

a /eI;?/ art.一(个,件……)

photo /5f?Ut?U/ n.照片

of /?v; ?v/ prep.……的

who /hu:/ pron.谁

aunt /A:nt/ n.姑妈;伯母;舅妈;阿姨

uncle /5?Nkl/ n.叔叔;伯父;舅舅

cousin /5k?zn/ n.表兄弟;表姐妹

family /5fQm?lI/ n.家庭

doctor /5d?kt?(r)/ n.医生

teacher /5ti:tS?(r)/ n.老师

policeman /p?5li:sm?n/ n.警察

nurse /n?:s/ n.护士

job /dZ?b/ n.工作

Unit 3

we /wI;wi:/ pron.我们

classmate /5klA:smeIt/ n.同学

how old /?Ud/ 多大,几岁

twelve /twelv/ n.十二

too /tu:/ adv.也

polite /p?5laIt/ adj.有礼貌的,客气的

and /Qnd/ conj.同,和,与

helpful /5helpfl/ adj.乐于助人的

big /bIg/ adj.块头大的;大的

strong /str?N/ adj.强壮的

small /sm?:l/ adj.矮小的;小的

thin /TIn/ adj.瘦弱的

tall /t?:l/ adj.高的

slim /slIm/ adj.苗条的

short /S?:t/ adj.矮的

pretty /5prItI/ adj.漂亮的

girl /g?:l/ n.女孩

hy /5hQpI/ adj.高兴的

sad /sQd/ adj.伤心的,难过的

they /DeI/ pron.他们;她们;它们

he /h?v;hQv/ vt.有,拥有

two /tu:/ n.二

new /nju:/ adj.新的

friend /frend/ n.朋友

from /fr?m;fr?m/ prep.从;来自

English /5INglIS/ adj.英国的;英格兰人的

American /?5merIk?n/ adj.美国的;美国人的

let /let/ vt.允许,让

me /mI;mi:/ pron.我

he a look /lUk/ 看一看

good /gUd/ adj.好的

four /f?:(r)/ n.四

Unit 4

open /5?Up?n/ vt.打开

the /D?;DI;Di:/ art.(定冠词)这;这些

door /d?:/ n.门

please /pli:z/ adv.请

close /kl?Uz/ vt.关;关闭

stand up /5stQnd ?p/ 站起来;起立

sit down /5sIt daUn/ 坐下

blackboard /5blQkb?:d/ n.黑板

desk /desk/ n.书桌

window /5wInd?U/ n.窗户

bag /bQg/ n.包

book /bUk/ n.书

pencil box /5pensl b?ks/ 铅笔盒

clean /kli:n/ vt.使干净;打扫;清扫

one /w?n/ n.一

three /Tri:/ n.三

five /faIv/ n.五

pen /pen/ n.钢笔

six /sIks/ n.六

ruler /5ru:l?(r)/ n.尺子

seven /5sevn/ n.七

eight /eIt/ n.八

nine /naIn/ n.九

pencil /5pensl/ n.铅笔

ten /ten/ n.十

go /g?U/ vi.走

go to /t?/ school /sku:l/ 上学去

late /leIt/ adj.迟的

be /bI;bi:/ v.是(现在式am,are,is)

again /?5gen; ?5geIn/ adv.又,再次

there /De?(r)/ adv.(作引导词)表示“存在”

in /In/ prep.在……之内

class /klA:s/ n.班级

look /lUk/ vi.看

classroom /5klA:sru:m; 5klA:srUm/ n.教室

on /?n/ prep.在……之上

wall /w?:l/ n.墙

eleven /I5levn/ n.十一

number /5n?mb?(r)/ n.数字

four /7f?:5ti:n/ n.十四

fif /7fIf5ti:n/ n.十五

six /7sIks5ti:n/ n.十六

seven /7sevn5ti:n/ n.十七

eigh /7eI5ti:n/ n.十八

rubber /5r?b?(r)/ n.橡皮

thir /7T?:5ti:n/ n.十三

behind /bI5haInd/ prep.在……后面

chair /tSe?(r)/ n.椅子

teacher’s desk 讲台

nine /7naIn5ti:n/ n.十九

box /b?ks/ n.盒子

picture /5pIktS?(r)/ n.图画;照片

poster /5p?Ust?(r)/ n.海报,招贴画

ball /b?:l/ n.球

twenty /5twentI/ n.二十

student /5stju:dnt/ n.学生

school /sku:l/ n.学校

an /?n; Qn/ art.(元音前)一(个,件……)

art /A:t/ n.美术

room /ru:m;rUm/ n.房间

clean /kli:n/ adj.干净的

twenty-one /5twentI w?n/ n.二十一

thirty /5T?:tI/ n.三十

Unit 5

swimming pool /5swImIN pu:l/ 游泳池

football field /5fUtb?:l fi:ld/ 足球场

how many /5mQnI/ 多少

building /5bIldIN/ n.建筑物

office /5?fIs/ n.办公室

toilet /5t?Il?t/ n.洗手间

library /5laIbr?rI;5laIbrI/ n.图书馆

playground /5pleIgraUnd/ n.操场

hall /h?:l/ n.礼堂

only /5?UnlI/ adv.仅仅,只有

hundred /5h?ndr?d/ n.百

beautiful /5bju:tIfl/ adj.美丽的,漂亮的

garden /5gA:dn/ n.花园

floor /fl?:(r)/ n.地板;地面

ground floor /7graUnd 5fl?:(r)/ (英)第一层

first floor /7f?:st 5fl?:(r)/ (英)第二层

reading room /5ri:dIN rUm/ 阅览室

basketball court /5bA:skItb?:l k?:t/ 篮球场

tennis court /5tenIs k?:t/ 网球场

any /5enI/ adj.任何的,所有的

of course /?v 5k?:s/ 当然

study /5st?dI/ vi.学习

draw /dr?:/ vt.& vi.画画

Unit 6

park /pA:k/ n.公园

between /bI5twi:n/ prep.在……之间

tree /tri:/ n.树

flower /flaU?(r)/ n.花

under /5?nd?(r)/ prep.在……下面

in front /fr?nt/ of 在……前面

gate /geIt/ n.大门

bird /b?:d/ n.鸟

lake /leIk/ n.湖

climb /klaIm/ vt.爬

swim /swIm/ vi.游泳

pick /pIk/ vt.摘

feed /fi:d/ vt.喂

where /we?(r)/ adv.哪里

here /hI?(r)/ adv.这里

open /5?Up?n/ adj.开着的

left /left/ n.& adj.左面(的)

right /raIt/ n.& adj.右面(的)

cafe /5kQfeI/ n.咖啡馆;小餐厅

near /nI?(r)/ prep.近,不远

in the middle /5mIdl/ of 在……中间

house /haUs/ n.房屋;住所

boat /b?Ut/ n.船

zoo /zu:/ n.动物园

animal /5QnIml/ n.动物

shop /S?p/ n.商店

some /s?m;s?m/ adj.& pron.一些,若干

start /stA:t/ vi.& vt.开始

walk /w?:k/ vi.行走;散步

grass /grA:s/ n.草

miss /mIs/ vt.错过

turn /t?:n/ n.轮次

answer /5A:ns?(r)/ vt.& n.回答

question /5kwestS?n/ n.问题

throw /Tr?U/ vt.扔;掷

dice /daIs/ n.骰子

win /wIn/ vi.& vt.赢;胜

ice cream /7aIs 5kri:m/ n.冰淇淋

Unit 7

mum /m?m/ n.妈妈

shirt /S?:t/ n.衬衫

colour /k?l?(r)/ n.颜色

white /waIt/ n.& adj.白色(的)

coat /k?Ut/ n.外套

orange /5?rIndZ/ n.& adj.橙色(的)

these /Di:z/ pron.& adj.这些

dad /dQd/ n.爸爸

black /blQk/ n.& adj.黑色(的)

trousers /5traUz?z/ n.裤子

shoe /Su:/ n.鞋

green /gri:n/ n.& adj.绿色(的)

brown /braUn/ n.& adj.褐色(的)

cap /kQp/ n.帽子

red /red/ n.& adj.红色(的)

T-shirt /5ti:S?:t/ n.T恤衫

blue /blu:/ n.& adj.蓝色(的)

jeans /dZi:nz/ n.牛仔裤

yellow /5yel?U/ n.& adj.**(的)

blouse /blaUz/ n.女衬衫

pink /pINk/ n.& adj.粉红色(的)

sweater /5swet?(r)/ n.毛衣

grey /greI/ n.& adj.灰色(的)

skirt /sk?:t/ n.短裙

whose /hu:z/ pron.谁的

bike /baIk/ n.自行车

basketball /5bA:skItb?:l/ n.篮球

his /hIz/ pron.他的;他的(东西)

our /5aU?(r)/ pron.我们的

kite /kaIt/ n.风筝

their /De?(r)/ pron.他们的

car /kA:(r)/ n.小汽车

cold /k?Uld/ adj.冷的

thanks /TQNks/ n.(口语)谢谢

take /teIk/ vt.拿走;取,抓

racket /5rQkIt/ n.球拍

her /h?(r);h?:(r)/ pron.她的

bed /bed/ n.床

dress /dres/ n.长裙

teddy bear /5tedI be?(r)/ 玩具熊

stick /stIk/ vt.粘住

Unit 8

do /d?;dU;du:/ v.aux.(构成否定句及疑问句的助动词,无意义)

Walkman /5w?:km?n/ n.随身听

has /h?z;hQz/ vt.有(he的第三人称单数现在式)

comic /5k?mIk/ n.连环

about /?5baUt/ prep.关于

scarf /skA:f/ n.围巾

radio /5reIdI?U/ n.收音机

computer /k?m5pju:t?(r)/ n.电脑

sticker /5stIk?(r)/ n.(不干胶)贴纸

CD /7si: 5di:/ abbr.光盘(compact disc的缩写)

watch /w?tS/ n.手表

hair clip /5he?(r) klIp/ 发夹

yours /j?:z/ pron.你的(东西);你们的(东西)

mine /maIn/ pron.我们的(东西)

hers /h?:z/ pron.他们的(东西)

theirs /De?z/ pron.他们的(东西)

ours /5aU?z/ pron.我们的(东西)

locker /5l?k?(r)/ n.有锁的存物柜

le /5Qpl/ n.苹果

pear /pe?(r)/ n.梨

snack /snQk/ n.零食

a pair /pe?(r)/ of 一双,一对

sunglasses /5s?nglA:sIz/ n.太阳镜

can /kQn/ n.听,罐

Coke /k?Uk/ n.可口可乐

beside /bI5saId/ prep.在……旁边

trainer /5treIn?(r)/ n.(软底)运动鞋

pet /pet/ n.宠物

goldfish /5g?UldfIS/ n.金鱼

duck /d?k/ n.鸭子

chicken /5tSIkIn/ n.小鸡

rabbit /5rQbIt/ n.兔子

Unit 9

can /k?n;kQn/ modal v.能,可以

play /pleI/ vt.玩

football /5fUtb?:l/ n.足球

Great! /greIt/ 太好了!

us /?s; ?s/ pron.(作宾语)我们

why /waI/ adv.为什么

sign /saIn/ n.标志

bring /brIN/ vt.带来

oh /?U/ int.哦

I see /si:/. 我明白了。我知道了。

watch /w?tS/ vt.看,观看

TV /7ti: 5vi:/ abbr.电视(television的缩写)

listen /5lIsn/ vi.听;收听

music /5mju:zIk/ n.音乐

fly /flaI/ vt.使飞;放(风筝等)

ride /raId/ vt.骑,乘

smoke /sm?Uk/ vi.抽烟,吸烟

Excuse /Ik5skju:z/ me. (跟陌生人说话时)对不起。

eat /i:t/ vt.吃

homework /5h?Umw?:k/ n.家庭作业

Internet /5Int?net/ n.因特网;互联网

write /raIt/ vi.& vt.写;写字

shout /SaUt/ vi.大叫

newspaper /5nju:zpeIp?(r)/ n.报纸

light /laIt/ n.(交通)灯

cross /kr?s/ vt.穿过

must /m?st;m?st/ modal v.必须,应当

wait /weIt/ vi.等待,等候

park /pA:k/ vt.停(车)

right /raIt/ adj.恰当的;合适的

supermarket /5su:p?mA:kIt/ n.超市

into /5Int?;5IntU;5Intu:/ prep.进,入,到……里

now /naU/ adv.现在,此刻

use /ju:z/ vt.使用,利用

shopping basket /5S?pIN bA:skIt/ 购物篮

sure /SU?(r)/ adv.的确,当然

put /pUt/ vt.放,安置

over /5?Uv?(r)/ there 在那边

first /f?:st/ adv.首先,最初,第一

Unit 10

get up /get ?p/ 起床

time /taIm/ n.时间

o’clock /?5kl?k/ adv.点钟

breakfast /5brekf?st/ n.早饭,早餐

hurry /5h?rI/ up 赶快

sorry /5s?rI/ adj.抱歉的

Chinese /7tSaI5ni:z/ n.中文

lesson /5lesn/ n.(一节)课;功课

Maths /5mQTs/ n.数学

Monday /5m?ndeI;5m?ndI/ n.星期一

Tuesday /5tju:zdeI;5tju:zdI/ n.星期二

Friday /5fraIdeI;5fraIdI/ n.星期五

Thursday /5T?:zdeI;5T?:zdI/ n.星期四

chat /tSQt/ vi.聊天

each other /i:tS 5?D?(r)/ 相互

lunchtime /5l?ntStaIm/ n.午餐时间

English /5INglIS/ n.英语

timetable /5taImteIbl/ n.时间表

often /5?fn; 5?ft?n/ adv.常常,经常

then /Den/ adv.然后

he /h?v;hQv/ vt.吃;喝

usually /5ju:ZU?lI;5ju:Z?lI/ adv.通常,经常

a.m. /7eI 5em/ abbr.上午

begin /bI5gIn/ vi.开始

p.m. /7pi: 5em/ abbr.下午

other /5?D?/ adj.其它的

like /laIk/ prep.像,如同

science /5saI?ns/ n.科学

PE /7pi: 5i:/ abbr.体育(课)(Physical Education缩写)

after /5A:ft?(r)/ prep.在……之后

about /?5baUt/ adv.大约

go home /h?Um/ 回家

dinner /5dIn?(r)/ n.下餐,宴会

go to bed 上床睡觉

tell /tel/ vt.告诉

want /w?nt/ vi.想要,希望

to /t?;tU;tu:/ (动词不定式符号,无词义)

know /n?U/ vi.& vt.知道,了解

badminton /5bQdmInt?n/ n.羽毛球

glad /glQd/ adj.高兴的,开心的

hear /hI?(r)/ vi.& vt.听到,听说

activity /Qk5tIv?tI/ n.活动

read /ri:d/ vi.& vt.阅读

lunch /l?tS/ n.午饭

Unit 11

Saturday /5sQt?deI;5sQt?dI/ n.星期六

always /5?:lweIz/ adv.通常,总是,永远

supper /5s?p?(r)/ n.晚饭

help /help/ vt.帮助

with /wID/ prep.在……方面:和……一起

housework /5haUsw?:k/ n.家务

sometimes /5s?mtaImz/ adv.不时,有时

weekend /7wi:k5end/ n.周末

too much /m?tS/ 太多

e-mail /5i:meIl/ n.电子邮件

volleyball /5v?lIb?:l/ n.排球

visit /5vIzIt/ vt.参观

museum /mjU5zi:?m/ n.博物馆

go shopping /5S?pIN/ 购物,逛街

fast food /fA:st 5fUd/ 快餐

restaurant /5restr?nt/ n.餐馆

early /5?:lI/ adv.早

Sunday /5s?ndeI;5s?ndI/ n.星期天

cook /kUk/ vi.&vt.煮,烧

but /b?t;b?t/ conj.但是

wash /w?S/ vt.洗

dish /dIS/ n.盘子

go fishing /5fISIN/钓鱼

water /5w?:t?(r)/ vt.给……浇水

like /laIk/ vi.&vt.喜欢

exercise /5eks?saIz/ vi.锻炼

for /f?(r);f?:(r)/ prep.(表示时间、距离)达;计;为

half /hA:f/ adj.半,一半

hour /5aU?(r)/ n.小时

run /r?n/ vi.跑

bark /bA:k/ vi.吠

jump /dZ?mp/ vi.跳

hily /5hQpIlI/ adv.高兴地

take /teIk/ vt.乘坐

bus /b?s/ n.公共汽车

enjoy /In5dZ?I/ vt.享受

down /daUn/ prep.向下

street /stri:t/ n.街道

say /seI/ vt.说

neighbour /5neIb?(r)/ n.邻居

herself /h?:5self;h?5self/ pron.她自己

very much /5verI m?tS/ 十分;非常

nice /naIs/ adj.好的

meet /mi:t/ vt.遇见

together /t?5geD?(r)/ adv.和……一起

lots /l?ts/ of 许多

see /si:/ vt.看

film /fIlm/ n.**

parent /5pe?r?nt/ n.父亲或母亲

stay /steI/ vi.停留,呆

by the way /weI/ 顺便说一句

would /wUd/ like 想要

come /k?m/ vi.来

Unit 12

birthday /5b?:TdeI/ n.生日

party /5pA:tI/ n.晚会

soon /su:n/ adv.立刻,不久

tomorrow /t?5m?r?U/ n.明天

forget /f?5get/ vi.忘记

get /get/ vt.得到

card /kA:d/ n.卡片

chocolate /5tS?kl?t/ n.巧克力

toy /t?I/ n.玩具

would love /l?v/ 想要

cake /keIk/ n.蛋糕

banana /b?5nA:n?/ n.香蕉

juice /dZu:s/ n.果汁

sweet /swi:t/ n.糖果

buy /baI/ vt.买

present /5preznt/ n.礼物

toy shop 玩具店

when /wen/ adv.什么时候

wear /we?(r)/ vt.穿

cool /ku:l/ adj.(口语)酷的

drink /drINk/ n.饮料

fruit /fru:t/ n.水果

table /5teIbl/ n.桌子

such as /5s?tS ?s/ 例如……,像这种的

excited /Ik5saItId/ adj.兴奋的

wonderful /5w?nd?fl/ adj.精彩的,极好的

fun /f?n/ n.欢乐

sit /sIt/ vi.坐

balcony /5bQlk?nI/ n.阳台

talk /t?:k/ vi.谈论

interesting /5Intr?stIN/ adj.有趣的

stand /stQnd/ vi.站

sofa /5s?Uf?/ n.沙发

make /meIk/ a wish /wIS/ 许愿

blow out /5bl?U aUt/ 吹灭

candle /5kQndl/ n.蜡烛

cut /k?t/ vt.切

taste /teIst/ vi.&vt.品尝

delicious /dI5lIS?s/ adj.美味的

he a good time过得愉快

feel /fi:l/ vi.感觉

April /5eIpr?l/ n.四月

celebrate /5selIbreIt/ vt.庆祝

else /els/ adv.别的,其它的

grandparent /5grQnpe?r?nt/ n.(外)祖父(母)

clothes /kl?UDz/ n.(复数)衣服

fourite /5feIv?rIt/ adj.最喜欢的

day /deI/ n.白天;(一天)

year /jI?(r);j?:(r)/ n.年;岁

invitation /7InvI5teISn/ n.邀请

invite /In5vaIt/ vt.邀请

flat /flQt/ n.(楼中的)一套房间,公寓

Proper Nouns

Andy /5QndI/ n.安迪(男名)

Nick /nIk/ n.尼克(男名)

Millie /5mIlI/ n.米莉(女名)

Lily /5lIlI/ n.丽莉(女名)

Jill /dZIl/ n.吉尔(女名)

Peter /5pi:t?(r)/ n.彼得(男名)

Sally /5sQlI/ n.萨莉(女名)

Spotty /5sp?tI/ n.点点(宠物狗名)

Mimi /5mImI/ n.咪咪(宠物猫名)

Alice /5QlIs/ n.艾丽斯(女名)

Mary /5mQrI/ n.玛丽(女名)

Bob /b?b/ n.鲍勃(男名)

Tony /5t?UnI/ n.托尼(男名)

Kate /keIt/ n.凯特(女名)

Sammi /5sQmI/ n.萨米(女名)

Pat /pQt/ n.帕特(男名)

Lucy /5lu:sI/ n.露西(女名)

Alan /5Ql?n/ n.艾伦(男名)

Carl /kA:l/ n.卡尔(男名)

Jack /dZQk/ n.杰克(男名)

Tom /t?m/ n.汤姆(男名)


1. 用my friend写作文(不少于40字)

I he a good friend. She is a pretty girl. She lives in Jiujiang. She is a middle school student. She has big eyes, a *** all mouth, a *** all nose and a round face. She is tall and thin. She likes watching TV and playing the basketball. On the weekend, she always plays basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening.

She is a good student. She is good at English. She likes speaking in English. She always reports news in English in her school.

She says we are good friends. We often send e-mails to each other everyday. I like her very much.

2. 英语作文my friend

I he many good friends,Lily is one of the best.We play together since we o were very young. She is such a pretty girl that when people meet her,they always pat her little head and say,"Oh,how lovely!"Lily is also very bre.I remember one evening o weeks ago,mom sent me to buy some salt and sugar downstair.When I was back on the darksome stairway,I suddenly saw a black shadow behind me,was that a ghost?I was so frightened that I cried "God!"At that very moment,Lily e,she rush at the shadow and shouted to it loudly till it diseared,then we ran home safely。

Maybe you he already get it,yes,Lily is my dog,--my best friend,I love her.我有很多好朋友,百合就是其中的best.we发挥在一起,因为我们两个人非常年轻。她是这样一个漂亮的女孩,当人们见到她,他们总是八,她很少头说: "哦,怎么可爱" !百合也很bre.i记得一晚两个星期前,妈妈给我买了一些盐和糖downstair.when我回来就darksome楼梯,我突然发现一个黑色的影子在我身后,是鬼?当时,我非常害怕,我哭了"上帝" !在这个非常时刻,百合来,她在繁忙的阴影并叫嚷它大声直至把它消失了,那么,我们遇到了平安回家… … 也许你已经得到它,是的,百合是我的狗, -我最好的朋友,我爱她。

3. 用My friend写作文把中文带上

My Friend I he a good friend ,He is 20 years old. He is tall. He is handsome. He gets up early every day. He likes reading and playing puter games very much. H is very kind, He does morning exercises every day and he often helps people. I like him very much. People say he is a good boy both at school and home.




4. my friend英语作文

My friend I he a good friend. She is a pretty girl. She lives in Jiujiang. She is a middle school student. She has big eyes, a *** all mouth, a *** all nose and a round face. She is tall and thin. She likes watching TV and playing the basketball. On the weekend, she always plays basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening. She is a good student. She is good at English. She likes speaking in English. She always reports news in English in her school. She says we are good friends. We often send e-mails to each other everyday. I like her very much. 希望纳。

5. 以My Friend 写一篇小短文

My Best Friend Hello, everyone! My name is X X X. You can call me X. I'm in Class X X. X X X is my best friend. She's XX years old. Her birthday is on October 3rd and she was born in Shen Zhen. She lives with her family in Haimen. She's 1.60 metres tall. She has black hair and she wears glasses. She is very lovely and pretty. She likes eating dumplings, chocolates, peanuts and vegetables. She dislikes pork, sweets and green tea. She loves listening to music. She has lots of CDs. She likes reading and writing. She is the newest member of the Maths Club. She has many hobbies, such as dancing, running and playing puter games. Her fourite hobby is drawing, because she likes all the different colours. It is fun to look at the pictures when she finishes drawing them. The Dragon Boat Festival is her fourite day. She wants to be a doctor when she grows up. We always he fun. We sit under the trees at lunchtime and he a good chat. Sometimes, we buy snacks from the tuck shop. On Sunday, we usually go to the bookshop. We often study together. My best friend is really great!我最好的朋友大家好!我的名字是x x x你可以叫我X.我在X班是我最好的朋友。













6. My Friend 英语小作文

I he a good friend ,named Lily ,she is elder than me ,she has long black hair,taller than me,I can often see sweet *** ile on her face.In a word,she is a preety girl. Lily is my neighhoor,I am willing to play with her,because we can get on well with each other ,besides,she is academic,she usually pretends to be my teacher.With the help of her I he got progress in my study.But the most important reason why we becamen good firend is we he the same hobbies ,such as reading novels ,singing an so on. In daily life,Lily is ready to help other.Last sunday,we got together to go to park .On our way home,there is a old woman who carry so many things,she came to help her immediately. She is a model that I can learn from her.I like her very much,I eager to bee her friend forever!。

7. 用“myfriend”写一篇英语作文(不少于45字)最好是写男孩

我有一个非常好的朋友.她叫胡丽丽.她今年14岁.她有一双漂亮的大眼睛,短头发.她又高又壮,但不胖.她对人非常友善. 她喜欢做运动,比如打网球、羽毛球和踢足球.她有许多爱好,她喜欢听音乐、读书、画画、唱歌和跳舞.有时我们在校内说英语;有时我们在校外玩羽毛球.我们经常在星期六或星期日去游泳或去钓鱼.我们上学时,她非常刻苦地学习功课. 在下午,我和我的朋友胡丽丽在操场上玩游戏.我们总是玩得十分开心! 她永远是我的好朋友!I he a very good friend.Her name is Hu Lili.She's four years old.She has big beautiful eyes,and short hair.She is tall and strong,but not fat.She's very kind to people.She likes doing sports,such as tennis,badminton and .She has many hobbies:listening,reading,drawing,singing and dancing.Sometimes we speak English in our school.Sometimes we play badminton out of the school.We often go swimming or go fishing on Saturdays or on Sundays.When we are at school,she studies very hard at our lessons.In the afternoon I play games on the playground with my friend Hu Lili.We always he a good time!She is my best friend forever!虽然不是写男生,。

8. 英语作文myfriend怎么写

My FriendMy best friend is a girl.She is very *** art and beautiful.She likes singing,dancing and shopping.She always enjoy themself with her friends.She also is very warmhearted and polite.She is good at maths,English and Chinese.She often help me do my homework,so I make a great progress in my lessons now.Do you want to know her name?Oh,her name is Ling Ling.。

9. 关于MyFriend写英语作文

My Good Friend My good friend is Mei.She's a girl.She is my clas *** ate.Mei is tall and thin.She has o big eyes and long hair.She likes listening to music and reading books.Sometimes we listen to music together.She likes summer.Because she can swim in the summer holiday.She likes pink and white.She is in Class Four,Grade Six with me.She usually goes to school by motor cycle.Sometimes she goes to school on foot.We often go shopping together on the weekend.We will be good friends forever.My Good Friend I he a good friend.She is my clas *** ate,her name is Tracy.She is a pretty girl.She studies in Tiandong No.2 Middle school,she is in Class 1,Grade 1.She studies hard all day.And she can speaks Japanese English and Chinese very well.So she often help my English and Japanese.I thank you for her help.And I help her math,too.Because my math is very good.We learn from each other and help each other.Tracy often in a white T-shirt and a black skirt.We are all think shi is a lovely girl.And Tracy likes sports very much.She likes playing basketball,bas *** all,ping-pongball and badminton very much.So we are often play them.Tracy has a big famili,there are nine people in her family.They are her mother,her father,her brother sister,her uncle,her aunt,her grandparents ang her.She loves her family very much.My good friend My name is Michelle.In my class,there is a girl.She has a round face,a *** all nose,o big eyes,a *** all mouth and o big ears.Her eyes look like grapes.Her hair is short and black.She is tall and beautiful.She looks like a middle school student.Do you know who is she?Yes,she is Fanny,one of my good friends.Fanny is a good girl at school.In class,she listens to her teachers carefully.She studies English very well.She often helps us to solve problems.She is very quiet,sometimes she is very active.When class is over,she goes out of the classroom to play games with her clas *** ates.She is very friendly to them.She is a good girl at home,too.After supper,she always helps her mother clean the room.Then she watches TV for a short time if mother permits.She seems to he a special interest in music.Any time she hears the music,she will dance.Though she dances badly,she still loses herself in the music.I think she will be a dancer in the future.But she wants to be a writer.This is my good friend.We feel hy when we are together.What about your good friend?Can you tell me something about your good friend?。

我的朋友 My Friend, Dick

First, I want to tell you something about my best friend and me. I he a friend called Dick. In some ways, we are the same. Both Dick and I are good at sports. We always go to library together to read because of the same hobby. So, we also study well all subjects. Reading books is important in our life .In some ways, we are different. Dick is a little taller and a lot stronger than me. I think it is because he does excise every day. For me, I just take excise three times a week. Dick likes going to concert, but I he no interest in it. In my free time, I always watch TV. That is really fun.
